Bratislava Heating Plant, Inc. needed to efficiently provide heat consumers with information about their supply points, invoices, and consumption while simplifying the management of this data for customer service managers.
The implementation of the customer portal delivered:
The implementation of the customer portal enabled Bratislava Heating Plant, Inc. to effectively communicate with consumers, provide up-to-date information, and improve overall customer satisfaction.
Do you have an idea that you want to implement or a problem that needs solution? Do you want to focus on your business and not the IT supporting it? Get in touch with us and let‘s do great things together.
Prievozská 14, Bratislava 821 09
Phone: +421 911 114 957
Members of Fores Technology Group
ForesServices, s. r. o.
IČO: 35 692 103
IČ DPH: SK2020309863
ForesApps, s. r. o.
IČO: 50 091 352
IČ DPH: SK2120178170